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K9 Programs

We have worked hard to research the most effective canine behavioral teaching methods and integrated them with our unique approach to training overall.  The result is a highly effective K9 curriculum that focuses on educating the canine and the handler.  Our programs are suitable for civilians, military and law enforcement and include options for beginners to advanced teams.  We offer group and individual training across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

K9 Obedience
K9 Obedience 


Our K9 Obedience program is a comprehensive obedience program - specifically designed for "working" breed Canines.  The program is based on the "Clear Signal Training" (CST) methodology, used by the U.S. Military.  Unlike other programs, our program begins with educating you, to lead, handle and work with your Canine partner.


Attendees learn “why” Canines behave in certain ways and how-to leverage those behaviors to help create a long lasting bond with their Canine. This leads to a happier and richer relationship. We offer foundational and advanced programs, that allows you to excel at your abilities and pace.


Over the course of the program attendees will work with and without their Canine partners, helping to assure that all skills are well understood before they are attempted. We feel it is always critical to understand the why, not just the how!

K9 Nosework


K9 Nosework is an in-depth program that teaches canines to acquire and track scents to the point of origin.  We being with educating you to work with your Canine partner in the detection of scents and odors. Students learn the basics of this fun and challenging skill-set, that helps create stronger bonds and relationships between the canine and their handler.


We offer various levels of nosework programs for military, law enforcement and civilians.  Each program is tailored to the goals of each class and typically last from one to three days.  Attendees of the nosework program must have strong obedience skills.  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


K9 Tracking and Search
Tactical and Police K9
Tactical K9 


Our Tactical K9 program includes basic to advanced modules and is appropriate for law enforcement and military units.  The programs focus on blending tactical operations and response, to assure that the safety and effectiveness of the K9 is highlighted.

This is a highly unique and intensive program, helping to increase the skills of all components.  The training programs assume attendees have a background in tactical skills and K9 teams are certified in basic patrol concepts.

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